Kate is fifteen months old today! Her grasp of new words and signs grows every day. She is definitely talking and signing earlier than Jack did. Today, at lunch, in between dumping out her spaghetti and then using the bowl as a hat, I started adding up all the words and signs she knows.

Head, or hair (pretty much the same as "hat"):

Head, or hair (pretty much the same as "hat"):
Not sure if this was anything other than a cute photo op:
Clap/Yay (while looking at Jack, doing the same thing):
Not a sign, just a cute overhead shot of the spaghetti mess:
Signs I didn't get pictures of? Mouth, teeth, ears, hands, feet, yes, no, hi, bye-bye, nummies, all done, phone, pat, sleep.
And the words she's actually saying? Mama, Dada, Jack, Grandma, doggy, ruff-ruff (what a doggy says, of course!), more, bye-bye, vrooom, bottle, cracker, ball, blanket.