Friday, July 30, 2010

And now for a finished one

In the words of my sister Val in an e-mail she sent a few days ago, all our dreams are coming true! Hard to believe, but it's true. A week ago last night, mere hours after intervieweing for a job as Instructional Leader in Deming, NM, Brian was offered--and accepted--the job. Yes, we are now employed! With the news of the job came a tremendous sense of relief, but afterward we were thrust into a whole new set of to-dos. Not that I'm complaining. I will gladly stand in line at the DMV for an hour for a new driver's license and to register the van, because that cements in my mind the fact that we've just moved to New Mexico. I will gladly find all the paperwork Brian needs to sign up for insurance at his new job, because that means he has a job and we actually have insurance. I will gladly and diligently research local preschools, because that means Jack finally gets to go to preschool in the fall. And I will gladly meet with a home loan specialist at Citizens' Bank and a realtor, because that means we might actually, finally be able to purchase our own home. Yes, all our dreams are coming true, but it still takes a lot of work to make it happen! In the meantime, I am eternally grateful to my in-laws, who are not only letting us stay at their house indefinitely, but also feeding us, watching our kids for us, and putting up with the neverending mess that accompanies two small kids. We are blessed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

An unfinished post from last week

It hit me this morning, upon waking up at four a.m., that it's July 20th, and Brian has yet to find a job. I've been trying not to freak out about it--we'll be fine--but holy cow, it's July 20th already! There are still a few jobs out there, and he just had an interview last week in Rio Rancho, but overall, it's slim pickins.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

While the girls are away...

...the boys will play. Here's what Jack, Brian, Matthew, Bob, and Rick were up to last weekend: building rockets from kits, and then using the desert as their giant launchpad!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pool party and dolphin fountains

Kate had her first swim in a "big pool" yesterday, at a party thrown by Val and RJ's friends, Brett and Diane. She was eager to jump in, and loved the water... but her big orange innertube? Not so much.

And today we suited her up for another watery afternoon. These dolphin fountains can be found right across the street from Val and RJ's apartment complex. "Casey's Clubhouse" is the playground named for a girl who died at age seven from muscular distrophy. It's only the most awesome playground I've ever seen! The dolphin fountains were the best part, especially on this sweltering Sunday afternoon. ('Tis true what they say about the humidity in Dallas!)

Cake Wrecks

I have weddings on my mind after this long weekend in Dallas. Not since my own wedding has my mind been so consumed with dresses, centerpieces, favors, flowers, and cakes. Thanks to a FB friend for introducing me to this website:
"When Professional Cakes Go Horribly, Hilariously Wrong"

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The great wedding dress search

I'm in Dallas (Grapevine, actually), visiting my sister and her fiance RJ. Main purpose of the visit? To find a wedding dress for Val! We started with the obligatory trip to David's Bridal, where she found a few candidates, but nothing perfect, nothing that would produce that heart-stopping moment every bride needs when she walks down the aisle. Kate went with us. She was a BIG help.

Next on our list was Lulu's Boutique, housed in a quaint little Victorian near downtown Dallas. The store was charming, the dresses extravagant. And, unfortunately, out of Val's budget.

I guess our third stop was the charm. Although it didn't look like much from the outside (we almost drove away without even going in!), Anonymously Yours had a huge selection of beautiful wedding gowns. Val tried on five and loved the fourth. It was a perfect fit. And she probably spent about half of what she would've spent on a new dress. After our visit, we both swore to become better aficionados of secondhand stores.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The whole fam-damily (can I say that?!?)

It doesn't happen often, all the Marshalls (that is, Rick, Lynn, their boys, and their boys' families) in one place at the same time. And, since Bob and Yoli just got into town today and Rick leaves tomorrow, the occasion becomes even more fleeting. Pictures had to be taken. One serious and one silly.