Monday, September 15, 2008

"Good-bye God," we went to Bodie

Poor Brian. Before he'd started this all-consuming job, he'd requested to go somewhere for his birthday: Bodie, the famous ghost town about an hour from here. But when this past weekend actually came, he confessed that he'd rather stay home and relax. Uh-uh, I said, and held him to his first wish: a trip to the biggest, baddest ghost town this side of... well, anywhere.

This blog's title came from a young girl who, upon learning her family was moving to Bodie, penned the dire hesitations in her diary. In its 1880s heyday, Bodie boasted a population of 10,000, mostly gold-seekers. The town became a haven for criminals: robberies, stage holdups, street fights, and murders were commonplace, and the 65 saloons far outnumbered the churches.

Only five percent of the original buildings still stand, and we toured what we could yesterday. Jack enjoyed traversing the dusty streets and climbing up an ancient set of stairs. And Brian? Well, he gave up his morning to go to Bodie, but he got his birthday afternoon to relax and eat cake.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Freaky, but cool. I want to visit! I love ghost towns. Makes me crave a sarsparilla. :)