Friday, March 5, 2010

Girls' and boys' day out

Last Sunday, I pursued my girly ambitions, taking the drive all the way up to Carson City, with Kate, just to take advantage of Joann's $1.99 sale on McCall's patterns. Vogue patterns were also on sale, for $3.99. Of course, there was a limit; otherwise I would have come home with twice as much! I've had this insatiable urge lately to create, and scrapbooking just ain't cutting it. I've wanted to get better at sewing for quite awhile now, and have plenty of patterns for clothes for the kids. But this time, it was all about me. My haul for the day:

In the meantime, Brian had his first woodcutting experience. He took Jack out in the woods the same day to find some firewood. His haul for the day:

Jack slipped and scraped up his nose and forehead during the excursion. Brian actually heard the bump, and the following cry, above the noise of the chainsaw. He's a tough kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the last pattern on the fourth one!