Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Days of School

My two oldest have both started the next chapters in their lives: Jack is a kindergartener and Kate is a preschooler!  Kate is in the Tigers class at Bright Beginnings on Wednesday and Friday mornings.  So far, she's doing well.  Each week they have a theme, so it's fun to hear her come home and put those themes into practice: "Come on, Maggie, let's play Camping!"

Jack is in Mrs. Lee's class at Fairacres, the same school that Brian went to.  I was a little worried about him on the bus, but he turned out to be a bus-riding pro.  He has two friends from his class who also take his route (even though he doesn't ever remember their names!), and they all sit in the row right behind the bus driver.  Phew.  Unfortunately, he's already missed three days of school due to a fever... but. hopefully, the sick days are over for awhile!  Words cannot express how unbelievably proud I am of him.  And how I really, really would love to be a fly on the wall of his classroom... but, I guess, there's a time in every kid's life when his/her mama realizes she has to let him go!

1 comment:

Valerie Johnson said...

I guess we need to talk on the phone more! I wasn't aware of a lot of this!!