Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The boonies, the sticks... whatever you wanna call it

It's only through my many recent online searches that I've realized that the area we're moving to has NOTHING. There are no Targets, WalMarts, Costcos, or large chain grocery stores nearby. I don't know about any doctors, vets, or hair salons. It's looking like we'll have to drive to Carson City or Reno (a couple hours north) once a month to fill up the minivan with all our supplies. It's almost like we'll be permanently camping! The thought was making me hyperventilate a little bit, but then I heard a story on NPR about an expeditionary crew trying to make contact with tribes living in isolation in the rainforests of Brazil and Peru. On one trip, the explorers spent three weeks hacking their way through dense jungle before they made it to the tribe. OK, I thought, it won't be that bad for us. There is civilization where we'll be living. And, actually, I am kind of looking forward to living there. It will be an adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummmmm... seriously? Peruvian jungles? I think you are going crazy on me. It's going to be awesome, don't worry!!