Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kidstime send-off

4th graders

3rd graders

yummy, yummy cupcakes

the girls with their sweet smiles

the boys, chowing down

in the "dog pound"

Today was our last day at Calvary. There was many a tear flowing during my 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School class--mostly mine, of course. Nancy and Judy called me up in front of all the kids so they could pray for us, and my partner Laura made a huge tray of cupcakes. I had candy for our trivia game as well, so the kids went home all sugared up.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Dang, I could go for some cupcakes. I'm sure you're getting excited about your upcoming move. However, it IS bittersweet, isn't it?