Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey day... but where's the turkey?

You know how, when you get sick on a certain food, you can't eat it again for a long time? Well, that's how I've been with the traditional turkey dinner since last Thanksgiving. Brian didn't want a turkey, but I insisted on having one, and with that darn bird I prepared all the fixins. The trouble was, halfway through the day I started feeling ill. Rather than admit it, I forced myself to eat the dinner which I'd worked so hard on. Later on, I painfully regurgitated the meal, and spent the next day or so in bed. So this Thanksgiving, I agreed to crawfish fettuccini. It's only the three of us today, in our new little house in the Eastern Sierra, and we're happy to have a few quiet days together before the madness of Christmas season truly sets in. We are truly blessed. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my wonderful family and friends, and may God bless you as well.


Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving to you to Lisa!!!
say hi to jack and Brian!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention who held your hair back and brought you water. :)

Lindsey said...

Hey fettucini works too! I'd much rather eat that than force a horrible memory down my throat. :) Glad you had a nice, quiet Thanksgiving. Do you have snow yet?