Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A break from the humdrums

Four months living here, and I am officially suffering a bout of cabin fever. The highlight of my week, and Jack's week, has been our Wednesday morning trip to Mammoth Lakes. I am able to grocery shop and run other errands. But the absolute BEST part of our trip is Storytime at the Mammoth Lakes library. We sing songs (in English AND Espanol), listen to stories, and make crafts. This week, we listened to a story about wiggling, and the craft was a wiggly-legged jellyfish. There are tunnels to crawl through, "computers" to play games, and big animal pillows to roll around on. I've learned to get there a half-hour early so Jack can run through all the toys in the room before Storytime begins; that way, he's more attentive to the group activities. Afterward, we treat ourselves to some taqueria fare at La Salsa's.

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Anonymous said...
