Friday, May 15, 2009

I Want

At the request of my friend Lindsey, an "I Want" list:

-This darn Diet Coke addiction kicked
-Credit card and student loans paid off
-A short labor next month, along with a healthy, happy baby girl
-A really good sewing ability, one in which I do not give up on sewing projects that sit around forever, making me feel guilty
-Continually cleared "flat spaces" in my house, a la organization guru Peter Walsh
-A job for Brian near family (soon? maybe?)
-A movie, like we used to, at a theatre, with a big bucket of popcorn
-A house that is ours, which I can paint and decorate to my heart's content
-A huuuuge vegetable garden, and maybe some chickens and goats
-A budget that I actually stick to
-Curly hair that I like at the end of the day
-The ability to sleep eight hours a night, and sleep in on weekends
-A good grasp of Spanish, and tamale-making skills
-Brian to play more board games with me
-A house in the south of France for a month or so
-A better understanding of the Bible, and more desire to study
-Jack fully potty-trained
-A really nice food processor for all my purees
-Absolute happiness for all my family


Lindsey said...

Oh, I am hopelessly addicted to Diet Coke too--especially while pregnant. Very cute list!

Valerie said...

I love your list! I will say a prayer that you get all your wants!! Except maybe the France one, that's just silly! (Just kidding!)