Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh, Ruidoso

Haven't written in awhile because my sister is in town! As much as we've tried to show her a good time, the 100-plus-degree temperatures force us indoors much of the day. Yesterday, Lynn, Val, and I HAD to escape this unbelievable heat. Lovely Ruidoso is just a little over two hours northeast, up in the green mountains, and on average about 20 degrees cooler. Plus, it has a ton of cute little shops, the kind that I love. Jack found a train shop and went temporarily cr-rrazy over the model trains running through exquisite little villages. We tested out the front carrier with Kate, and she did well. We came back to Las Cruces refreshed, and ready to take on the scorching desert heat once again.


Valerie said...

Fun day!! Wish you could go back & relieve some of that cabin fever!

Lindsey said...

I know how you feel about the miserable heat. Bet you're longing for your mountains again!