Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers' Day

Ahh, Fathers' Day... the chance to celebrate all those fabulous daddies and granddaddies. And to feast on brisket, ribs, homemade baked beans, and potato salad. We've been in New Mexico for just one week now, and the kids have delighted in spending time with Brian... as well as their grandparents, and cousins Matthew and Marissa. Here's Grandpa Rick with his four grandkids: Jack, Matthew, Kate, and Marissa. I tried to take posed shots, but that just wasn't in the cards.
Our gift for Brian? An old-school shotgun cleaning kit, never been used, found on, and a success!
The boys did their manly stuff yesterday: a trip to the dump, and a local car race last night. The race itself lasted 'til 11:30; but Jack was asleep in Brian's lap from 10:00 p.m. on. Fun was had by all, but they were exhausted this morning.

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