Sunday, April 17, 2011

MOPS Toddler Trot

Yesterday the kids and I participated in the first-annual Toddler Trot Fun Run fundraiser for our MOPS group. The goal was to get around the Mayfield High School track four times--one whole mile. Kate, of course, rode in her stroller, but Jack took off! At the end of the first lap, he was in a solid fourth place, behind some bigger boys, after running the entire distance. And he did run most of the three subsequent laps, but stopped every now and then to throw a rock into a puddle or kick some dirt. And then he'd get right back on the track and start running again. Not sure how much money we raised, but thanks to those who did donate to help our MOPS group!

Of course we were number 24:

The starting line (Jack is on the left):

And they're off!

The finish line (Right after this, Jack said, "Mom, I'm tired of running.")

Enjoying some post-run snacks:

And he had to toss one last rock into a puddle:

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