Thursday, March 22, 2012

Nine months... and the first sink bath

Well, Maggie really did enjoy her first bath in the kitchen sink more than this picture shows, but this was just too cute of a shot to pass up. She is NINE months now, which means she's now been outside of the womb as long as she was in (always an important milestone!). And she is ALL over the place. She just learned how to climb up the stairs, which means we're gating and blocking everything now. She loves to raid the fruit basket, pick up an orange (or apple, or pear... definitely not picky) and take a bite with those huge chompers. Oh, and graham crackers are her new favorite thing. She's definitely more wary of strangers now, but will give anyone a big smile as long as she's in the front carrier, snuggled up close against me. She still adores her "lovey" and her blankets and uses them to easily nod off, whether in her crib or carseat. And still, when she wakes up in her crib, she entertains herself for a good half hour--or more--with her crib surroundings. I often come in and find her wrestling her teddy bear, whose poor ears are soaked from Maggie's wet kisses.

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