Thursday, March 22, 2012


We've been super busy lately. It's all good stuff--I can't complain! But it's been difficult to sit down and write any blog posts at the end of the day when, truthfully, I'd rather be climbing into bed. So here's a small, quick sampling of what we've been up to.

We got a new bike for Jack, and brought a bike from my in-laws' house for Kate to ride, too. It's still a little big for her, but she sure tries hard.

My MOPS group recently had a special meeting where we all dressed up in our old prom dresses, or whatever dress-up outfit we could find (or fit into!). I wore the bridesmaid gown from my friend Jaime's wedding. It was fun to actually wear it again. I would have worn the maid of honor dress from my sister's wedding, but I've lost some weight lately, and so the top was a little big. Here I am with Kate:

LOVE this picture... my two goofy monkeys at the neighborhood playground.

Jack is playing soccer again! His new team is the Ninjas. They've won their first two games in spite of the extreme cold at his first game... it was definitely not good weather to be outside! He says he made three goals that day (I only counted two, but I'll take his word for it). Brian is the team referee.

We just joined Sam's Club, and it's our new favorite place when it comes to shopping in bulk and saving money! Here's a picture of the girls enjoying the dual up-front seating in one of their carts.

1 comment:

Carrie from Sam's Club said...

Lisa, we are glad you are enjoying your new Sam’s Club Membership! With the warmer weather approaching be sure to check out our options for spring – outdoor entertaining/décor, spring meals and more at your local club. Thanks for sharing AND for shopping at Sam’s Club! – Carrie from Sam’s Club