Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ten months

Maggie was ten months last month (I know, I know... I'm getting behind on my monthly baby posts, but at least I'm posting, right?!). Already I'm planning for her first (and Kate's THIRD) birthday party in June! She is 28 inches tall and 15.3 pounds as of her last check-up... quite a lightweight still!  Jack walked at about ten months and one week, and it seems as if she'll start walking in the next couple weeks too. She is into EVERYTHING... and throws an absolute fit when we take something away from her.  She still plays happily in her crib after waking up in the morning or from her nap (this habit of hers is what keeps ME sane!).  But when we enter her room to retrieve her from the crib, she gives us a huge grin, bounces around, and talks like crazy.  She has especially expressive reactions for big brother Jack, who runs to her every day when we pick him up from preschool, exclaiming, "MAGGIE!" while she bounces in my arms.  She's transitioning into her one-nap-a-day stage (earlier than my other two did), and just started drinking from a sippy cup and saying "dada" when she sees Brian. Here she is, enjoying sweet tickles.

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