Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our trip down... and up... the hill

Phew! Brian, Jack, and I strapped on our bike helmets this morning to ride our way about a mile-and-a-half down the hill to a used bookstore. Unfortunately, the store was closed until noon, but we still had a fun ride. That is... until we attempted to ride UP-hill. Brian had Jack on a little seat on the back of his bike, and the two kept pulling further and further ahead of me. By the time we made it back to the house, I was breathing quite heavily, and my lungs are still feeling it! I guess I'm still acclimating to the almost-8000-feet elevation... but that's no excuse. I just need to get out there and ride every day. (Now, imagine my dad, beaming with pride!) The good news is, Jack loooved the ride. He didn't want to get off the back of the bike, and when we got inside, he kept wanting to wear his little helmet. He also kept bringing my helmet to me. (The other good news: I think that we'll drive back to the bookstore this afternoon...)

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