Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On the finger again...

I haven't worn my beloved wedding ring since November of '07. I'd lost so much weight after having Jack that it kept falling off (see a Myspace blog entry, below). I never had it re-sized because I wasn't sure how much weight I'd lose. Then, when I became pregnant again, I realized the ring would have to wait a little bit longer. Poor thing has been sitting, neglected, in my jewelry box! But, after playing with my engagement ring this morning--which I've been wearing in place of my wedding ring--and noticing that it was getting a little tight, I went right to my jewelry box and switched the two out. No more sliding up and down my finger, no more falling off accidentally, no more fear of losing the most precious piece of jewelry I have. My wedding ring is mine again! Well, for a few months more, at least.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Two Blogs in One
Current mood: indescribable
Category: Life

I was thinking the other day about writing a blog about my weight loss. Since having Jack, I've lost all my baby weight... and then about 25 more pounds after that. (The last five was due, in part, to the flu I got on Thanksgiving, but hey, it still counts!) Everyone keeps telling me how great I look, and I do feel wonderful, but I also feel guilty because I haven't really done anything to lose the weight. I eat whatever and whenever I want, and I don't work out. I am, however, still nursing, and I do have to run around all day after a toddler. My jeans are all too big now, and when we can afford it, I'll have to buy some more (but am kind of waiting to see if I'll lose some more weight before I do!).

So, I was planning on writing that blog yesterday, but then realized, hey, my sister's moving to Texas! If anything, that's what my blog needs to be about. She left today, actually, and will spend the next couple days driving to Dallas, where she'll stay with our mom's cousin for awhile, until she finds a job and a place to live. I am so excited for her, to be young and single and without anything holding her back. But I am also extremely sad to see my sister, my best friend, Jack's "T.T.," leaving California. No more Sister Nights, no more walking the dogs around the neighborhood, no more shopping or just coming over to hang out. It hasn't quite hit me yet, but when it does, I'm sure there will be plenty of tears.

Anyway, Val stopped by this afternoon on her way TO TEXAS. She needed to drop off a few things that just didn't fit in her car. And as I was waving good-bye to her from my doorway for the last time, my wedding ring flew off my finger and landed in the bush! Yes, because of my weight loss I need my ring re-sized, but just haven't had the chance to do it yet. After Val drove off, I had to get down on my hands and knees to find the ring, buried among all the crunchy fall leaves and dirt and empty snail shells and seeds from the tree overhead. And all I could do was laugh, because somehow, I'd found a way to bring my two blog topics together.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Sounds like that ring has been through some adventures! Glad it fits again. Pregnancy does have its perks!