Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fall stretch

As a teacher, the hardest part of any school year for me was the long stretch from Labor Day to Thanksgiving break. I'm not even teaching this year, and it's been the craziest year yet! Brian works at least ten hours every day (and many Saturdays this fall), leaving me at home alone in isolated Mono City with the two kids. Before we had Jack, I remember a friend of mine saying that, when her husband got home at the end of a long day, she'd hand him the kids and go off and hide, by herself, for a little bit. At the time I thought, Can it really be that difficult? It's just a kid or two, and they're yours, and you have naptime and downtime, and you don't have to get out of your pajamas all day... But now I understand! Being a mom is definitely the hardest job I've ever had. I think Lynnette from "Desperate Housewives" said it best: "Motherhood means you feel lonely all the time, but you're... never... alone!" Which makes this upcoming Thanksgiving break especially needed. Brian is off for the entire week, and what's more, his mom's coming into town as well! I am so looking forward to having their company. We've planned a relaxing week; hopefully I'll have time to get out and walk the dog, take a bath, or just breathe.

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