Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The "F" word

The other day, we bought our first-ever canister of infant formula. Jack nursed on-demand for more than two years, and we never had a problem with my milk supply. With Kate, I found the need for a feeding schedule, and so my supply has steadily dwindled over the past few months. The poor girl has been waking up angry during the night pretty regularly. We were assuming it was because of pain, from the imminent teeth ready to pop through those tender gums. But Tylenol wasn't helping much. So, then, what else could it be but hunger? Problem was, like I said before, not enough milk. I then thought that by guzzling gallons of water a day, my supply would increase, and it did, a little... but Brian finally convinced me that we should at least just buy some formula, just to have on hand. The first night, she drank a whopping eight ounces right before bed and slept eight hours straight. The second night, she slept twelve hours straight! I feel like I failed a little bit in my quest for perfect motherhood, but then, who really has time to be perfect nowadays? I'll settle for a happy baby instead.

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