Monday, February 8, 2010

Kate at eight (months)

Katharine Mae was eight months yesterday! She's about sixteen pounds of pudge and as active as ever. In the past few weeks, she's learned to sit on her own (to the point where I don't worry about her falling over anymore), pull herself onto her knees and sometimes her feet, stand and wobble while holding onto a table or box, and maneuver herself around to grab at anything within reach. On Saturday, we saw true crawling for the first time while we were at the Mammoth library. She's very attached to me, so much that I have to sneak showers and dog walks in before she sees me leaving the room. She likes sweet potatoes, applesauce, and is obsessed with Gerber "sticky stars." Her "pincer grasp" is developing especially nicely because of the little snacks she likes to pick up while at the table. She still squawks like a bird sometimes, and cries very loudly, especially when she sees me but is not in my arms. And, oh man, she will put anything into her mouth! I know that's true with all babies, but sheesh! Does she really have to go for the dog food?

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