Tuesday, February 16, 2010

On my 32nd birthday

So, the kids don't sleep in on my birthday. Wasn't expecting they would, of course. It's a good thing I'm an early riser! My conversation with Jack was funny. When he wakes up early, and it's dark, and Brian and Kate are still asleep, I let him sit in our big fluffy armchair and watch his favorite show, "Bob the Builder." He's come to expect it, if he wakes up and it's still dark and quiet. This morning, as he was settling into the armchair, we had this talk:

Me: "What day is it today?"
Jack: "I don't know."
Me: "Is it a special day?"
Jack (whispering): "Your birthday?"
Me: "Yes!"
Jack: "Can I watch Bob the Builder?"

I love my son!


Valerie said...

What? Did you think he would think it was special or something???

Kristine1969 said...

Why is it that I always thought you were my age?? Hmmmm. Lucky you! Happy belated birthday to my pretend sister!