Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lisa Bonita creations

After sending some little-girl barrettes to my sister Val's co-worker as a thank-you gift, she and another co-worker became interested enough in my work to request more. Thus, a new business venture for me was born. "Lisa Bonita" is currently just a blog, but if there's enough interest, I'll eventually start an Etsy store, or try to sell at a craft show, or... the possibilities are limitless! Here is Kate modeling one of my creations, and speed-walking at the same time. Talk about talent! (Also, as soon as I put anything in her hair, she yanks it out, so looks like I'm gonna have to wait a bit before she wears anything regularly.)


Unknown said...

oh, those are cute! Who did your background for that blog?

I think I will be missing an editor! :)

Lisa said...

Kalani... thank you! It's Watermark, and Brian helped me with the header. Still a work in progress.

Charity said...

These are so beautiful and so detailed! Which do you think are most durable? I might get some for Garrett's nieces, but they spend a LOT of time outside.