Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sooooo not me... but me all the same.

Wishful thinking steered me to the Internet a month or two ago, where I discovered a beautiful designer diaper bag. The brand is Oi Oi, made in Australia, and supposedly owned by a whole list of celebrities (about which I really don't care, but it does give it a nice pedigree). The diaper bag I used with Jack? Carefully chosen at my favorite store, Target, and simple as simple can be. I was content with it. But the Oi Oi bag? Yowsers! It was beautiful. I bookmarked the site and searched for a better deal... but everything I came up with was in the low three-figures. Fast forward a few weeks, a few dozen more looksies at the bag online, and put me in New Mexico at my in-laws' house. I jokingly mentioned the bag to them, as well as the price tag. Less than twenty-four hours later, it had been ordered! And it was waiting for me upon our return to Las Cruces today. Wasn't expecting such generosity... but I won't complain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you Lisa!
It's a great looking bag! I loooove it!