Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dear Kate

So, here you are, half a month old already, and your due date is still on my upcoming calendar. I actually started writing this letter a few weeks ago, when I thought I had plenty of time before you were born. I started writing it after feeling a twinge of guilt. I remembered how, during my pregnancy with Jack, I'd written a series of diary entries, detailing my daily routine, how I was feeling and all those wonderful body changes. I realized I'd already become what I said I wouldn't: one of THOSE moms. The ones who openly admit that they don't spend as much time fawning over their second child as their first. The moms who forget to take pictures, who let scrapbooks fall by the wayside...
But then I realized that I HAVE been chronicling much the same way this time around, via my blog. I've faithfully recorded, every few days to a week, what's been going on in my life, and I've not failed to mention how utterly excited we are to have you join our family. After that realization, I let go of the guilt.
You have, since your birth, been largely ignored in my writings. Mostly because you sleep all the time. You wake up to eat and poop, and then fall blissfully back into shuteye. I don't remember Jack ever sleeping this much!
You are soooo darn sweet. You hardly ever cry and are quite beautiful--everyone says so. You look so much like Jack that sometimes I think you are him. You are nursing well but have trouble keeping up with me when I'm full. Sometimes it seems like you just want to open your mouth and have the milk flow in. I keep telling you it doesn't work that way! You are not giving me nearly the same trouble during the middle of the night that Jack gave me. My mom says I am much more relaxed this time around, and that you can sense that. She says you're a lot like me as a baby, and that makes me happy.
I am quite excited to usher you through your childhood. Will you be a ballerina? An artist? A soccer player? Will you be feisty and stubborn like your brother, or will you be the more laidback second child? Will you be a big sister or the baby of the family? I can't WAIT to see what life holds for you, Kate!


Anonymous said...

She is too cute!!

Valerie said...

Oh, that was so beautiful!!!

Lindsey said...

Oh, that was too darn cute. And thank goodness for printers. You can always print out those blog entries! She is ADORABLE. It must be fun to compare and contrast her with Jack. She is entirely her own little person! I can't wait to meet her! You look so good, by the way.